Saturday, March 15, 2008


Knowing your enemy is a key aspect of military strategy, which applies well here. The individual must determine what the goals of the institution are. This assumes both stated and real goals.

An understanding of the goals helps focus individual action. If some goals are mutually held, well and good: let that be a definable point of confluence. When goals are not commonly held, define clearly the goals and their differences and use this data as part of a plan to act.

The same applies for institutional process, how the institution does things. Define this clearly, painstakingly. Identify points of agreement and disagreement. Focus on individual priorities. Unless this analysis is carefully done and continually revised, the individual flounders, lacks focus, and grasps at straws. Tremendous energy is wasted, dissipated, and the individual is left ineffective, often frustrated and bitter, and all for no apparent reason.

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